Closing the Protection Gap
Swiss Re estimates the world protection gap at more than US$1.7 trillion, based on the di erence between current levels of insurance coverage and the value of assets and lives at risk.
• Nat-CAT protection gap in the Middle East is among the biggest in the world, and the recent disasters draw a ention to the wide gap. To make things worse, there is substantial underinsurance in life and health cover.
• Nat-CAT gap has increased during the past 25 years, and the global property protection gap has almost tripled over the past four decades.
“Nowhere in the world is insurance more needed and yet the protection gap is the widest than in the emerging markets. While global insurance penetration rate stands at 6%, that of emerging markets reach only half that gure,” said Mr Michele Grosso, Co-founder and CEO of Democrance, an InsurTech startup based in the UAE.